Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #7

January 22, 2023Game Design, Ultima Ratio Regum, Updates

Welcome back, friends! This is probably now the final (or penultimate) update before release, which I am tentatively going to schedule for the first week of February. A slightly slower couple of weeks this time as there has been a lot of start of term work to get sorted (and my only family member is … Read More

Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #6

January 7, 2023Game Design, Ultima Ratio Regum, Updates

Welcome back everyone! I think barring catastrophes this should release in around a fortnight, so this will either be the final update, or the penultimate update, before getting 0.10 out. I’m determined to stick to my schedule of putting out a new release every year – even if this is a relatively small release, albeit … Read More